We all know the drill by now. After every mass shooting, Democrats get their faces in front of a camera and demagogue. "How many more tragedies will it take before Congress does something to stop this?" they say, as if "making this never happens again" were not only possible but merely a matter of having the political will to pass some legislation.
"We just need to ban assault weapons." Then, there would be no more assault weapons, just like there is no more heroin. Wait.
This time, however, the narrative has changed rather dramatically. It was not the Second Amendment under attack before the bodies were even cold, but the First.
In keeping with the all-out assault on free speech that ramped up considerably during Coronsteria, every tragedy will now be an excuse to ban unpopular speech. And don't think any speech counter to the Democratic Party's agenda will escape the designation of "hate speech."
20 years ago, we libertarians were telling right wingers that the "war on terror" assault on civil liberties would someday be turned inward, against the American people. It is ironic that it is not just being used against Americans, but on the right specifically, who called anyone who objected to the Patriot Act and other atrocities traitors.
I break it down on today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom.
Next week, I have Mario Balaban of Project Veritas and Walter Block joining me in what should be the first week on my new webhosting platform.
My Patreon will launch as soon as the site is safely moved. So, lots of exciting things happening.
Thanks for all your support and have a great weekend!