I try to look at all points of view when creating content for Tom Mullen Talks Freedom. I've certainly tried to see the Ukraine from Russia's point of view and in the context of the DC Empire's shoddy treatment of Russia since the fall of the USSR.
The guests on today's episode, John O'Neill and Sarah Wynne, have yet another view, at least of Russia's embattled president, Vladimir Putin, and of China's President Xi. They are both communists at heart who have continued the long tradition of biological weapons development begun under communist rule in the former Soviet Union and Mao's China.
In presenting their case, they highlight the many artists, scientists, and free thinkers who were ruthlessly eliminated with poisons and bioweapons by the communist regimes in the 20th century and argue western nations are naive to think they can trust these still murderous regimes.
Their new book is called, The Dancer and the Devil: Stalin, Pavlova, and the Road to the Great Pandemic. We discuss it on today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom.
In less ominous news, I have completed the PPT and supporting materials for my new course, Where Do Conservatives Come From? It is the first of 3 courses based upon my book, Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From?: And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Part One.
I had hoped to have it and my Patreon launched by today, but life and the Covid Regime threw us a little curveball related to my mom's discharge from physical therapy this week and put me slightly behind.
That gives you a few more days to put in your own two cents on the type of content you'd like to see in the members only area of the Patreon.
So here is your chance. Leave a comment on the show notes page for today's episode or drop me a line and let me know what you'd like to see in terms of members-only content. More economic analysis? More historical perspective on current events? Weekly live performances of Invisible Hand?
Keep in mind the limitations of your humble servant (I was pretty good at math, but no, I can't provide trigonometry proofs anymore). But all reasonable suggestions will be seriously considered!
Thanks very much for your support and I look forward from hearing from you.