A few weeks ago, I shared a video clip on social media with the caption "How you know the world is ending." It was footage recorded in October 2021 of Alex Jones predicting a "giant war in February."
Alex slings a lot of BS and often spins events he reports in a way that assigns motives to unseen forces that are unlikely or demonstrably false.
But is Alex Jones' true/false batting average lower than MSNBC's or CNN's? That would be a tough case to make. I suspect Alex wins a head-to-head on that basis against all the "respectable" news agencies.
The truth is many "conspiracy theories" are true. That the public has been conditioned to hear the words "conspiracy theory" and immediately assume the opposite is truly bizarre - does anyone really believe people never conspire? Or that people whose whole job, 8-10 hours/day, while you are doing something productive, is holding onto power and acquiring more, aren't planning strategies to do so?
Former Marxist and recent addition to the ranks of the sane and honorable Michael Rectenwald has a great article on Mises.org about this subject.
Among the topics are the origin of the term (no, the CIA didn't invent it, but they sure make use of it) and the supreme irony of Marxists themselves using it as a weapon.
But even though it is true that, yes, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and others of their ilk are indeed plotting in secret to bring about a world where you live in the pod and eat the bugs, in the end it doesn't matter. To find out why, check out today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom.
I have links to Rectenwald's article as well as my own take from way back in 2008, when I first started writing (please excuse the prose quality - practice makes perfect!), which hasn't substantively changed, on the show notes page.
Do a brother a solid and share it on your social media!
I will be working through the weekend to get my Patreon page ready to launch next week. I have some great members-only content planned, but would love to hear from you about what you'd like to see in a Tom Mullen Talks Freedom members area.
So here is your chance. Leave a comment on the show notes page for today's episode or drop me a line and let me know what you'd like to see in terms of members-only content. More economic analysis? More historical perspective on current events? Weekly live performances of Invisible Hand?
Keep in mind the limitations of your humble servant (I was pretty good at math, but no, I can't provide trigonometry proofs anymore). But all reasonable suggestions will be seriously considered!
Thanks very much for your support and I look forward from hearing from you.