I still hear people use the words, "because of Covid." This phrase is almost never accurate. That's not to say some people haven't had long term health effects from the virus or died from it. But it's rare. Of the hundreds of people I am related to or are among my circle of friends, I know one person who died from the virus and one who suffered "long Covid."
That's just anecdotal experience, but even the official numbers don't qualify Covid-19 as anywhere near a serious enough problem to have justified what governments did in response (not even a serious threat would have). And then when you start digging into those official numbers...
My point is people, mostly in good faith, blame "Covid" for the social and economic pain they are just beginning to feel when Covid had nothing to do with it.
It was government, the source of most human misery.
And it's important we communicate that far and wide because until people start associating the misery they experience with its source, the source won't stop creating the misery.
That's what I talk about on today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom, providing ample statistical and other evidence to prove it.
I also encourage you to visit today's show notes page, because I've provide links to several articles I wrote in the first few weeks of the lockdowns in March and April of 2020. I think you'll find what I wrote back then pretty darn prescient.
I'm not pointing this out to beat my chest, but rather to say that if some guy from Buffalo could see what was coming within a few weeks of the lockdowns, then either "the experts" are incompetent or evil. Either way, they have to go.
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