While thousands of Canadian truckers fought vaccine and mask mandates In Canada and cities, states, and nations begin repealing Covid restrictions amid public pressure, New York’s unelected governor continues to require schoolchildren to be
Attorney Jim Ostrowski of Buffalo is taking her and every complicit school district to court. I got a chance to talk to him about his lawsuit and afternoon drive serving the Western New York defendants in person on todays episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom.
Masking schoolchildren is just one of the atrocities committed against the population of the world over the past two years, but it's one of the most damaging with the least upside. Children are at practically no risk from Covid, statistically
speaking. Neither are they a source of spread to adults.
The evidence mounts that neither masks nor lockdowns did a bit of good in mitigating Covid for the population as a whole, too, although they did enormous damage to the economy, child development, and vulnerable
Of course, we knew none of this worked for over 100 years. In his 1919 book, Influenza: Effective control measures in the 1918 flu pandemic, Executive Director of the California State Board of Health Wilfred H. Kellogg did what every sane person is doing today: looking at jurisdictions that imposed lockdowns and mask mandates compared to those that
didn't. He found no difference in their respective "curves."
Subsequent studies over the rest of the 20th and early 21st centuries showed the same results. Yet, suddenly, what never worked in the past was mandated.
Of course, there never could have been lockdowns and business closures without the federal reserve. I cover the damage the Fed did in underwriting this humanitarian disaster in my new book, It’s the Fed, Stupid. You
can download a free copy here.
It’s also available in paperback here. It’s priced at a pre-hyperinflation level so grab a few copies for friends if you can.
It makes a great introduction to the government’s most economically damaging institution for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, and independents alike.
It also helps me keep the lights on here so I can continue to bring you great content.