Mask and vaccine mandates are being lifted all over the country and the world. It's no coincidence in an election year where Democrats are facing big losses in the mid-terms, with a very unpopular president who won't be much help.
But let's not forget, lockdowns weren't purely a Democrat phenomenon. Most Republicans went right along with Dr. Fraudci's insane recommendations against 100 years of scientific evidence that lockdowns and mask mandates don't work.
But as I've told you about my own state of New York, you can't judge a whole state by it's governor. My guest on today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom is the Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee and he fought lockdowns and every mandate right from the start.
I'm talking about Mayor Glenn Jacobs, although some of you may also know him as former WWE Wrestling Champion "Kane." He wasn't allowed to apply any of his "finishers" on public health bureaucrats, but he's just as fearsome in the political arena as he was in the ring.
Believe it or not, I first met Glenn at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in 2009 where we were both speaking. I was pitching my first book, A Return to Common Sense: Reawakening Liberty in the Inhabitants of America, and Glenn was doing a talk on Austrian Economics and, you guessed it, the Federal Reserve System. I couldn't make this up.
Well, not much has changed since then. The Fed is still the most destructive institution in our society. There could have been no lockdowns without the Fed to print the money to pay people to stay home - inflation we're paying for now with runaway
rising prices.
I explain it all in my latest book, It’s the Fed, Stupid. If you haven't already, download a free e-book copy here.
It’s also available in paperback here. It’s priced at a pre-hyperinflation level so grab a few copies for friends if you can.
It makes a great introduction to the government’s most economically damaging institution for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, and independents alike.
It also helps me keep the lights on here so I can continue to bring you great content.