There has been a lot of acrimony lately over what children are being taught in the public schools and rightly so. But it's only since critical race theory started getting attention that parents got angry. Perhaps they didn't know what was being taught until they started listening in on those Zoom classes during the Covid lockdowns.
To this day, I can't figure out why the left allowed public schools to be closed. They certainly could have used the data showing schoolchildren were in no danger from Covid to keep them open.
Public schools and the ideology they indoctrinate children into are essential to the left's domination in the war of ideas.
But critical race theory isn't really my main problem with the school system, public and private. Critical race theory fits into the overall picture because what the schools all have in common is their anti-capitalist mindset.
Critical race theory is just a subset of critical theory, a strategy for interpreting the law and history cooked up by Marxists in the 1930s when it became obvious the so-called proletarians were never going to revolt - not against the much higher living standards capitalism had given them anyway.
The latest dust-up is over teaching sexual topics to children in grammar school and Florida's new bill to prohibit it. Why the left would choose this as a hill to die on is also puzzling. We're talking about children between three and seven years old.
In today's episode, I talk about some of my reasons for homeschooling long before either of these hot topics were issues. I had to learn by hard experience how miseducated I had been by the school system - and I went to exclusively private schools.
I have some further reading available on the show notes page, including Captain John Smith's first hand account of how private property and capitalism saved Jamestown from the horrors of communism.
Next week I'll have Pete Quinones and Jim Ostrowski on to talk about different aspects of this issue and others. Don't miss those either!
By far the most anti-capitalist institution in America today is the Federal Reserve System, a central planning agency for all economic activity. If you haven't already, download a free e-book copy of It’s the Fed,
Stupid here.
It’s also available in paperback here. It’s priced at a pre-hyperinflation level so grab a few copies for friends if you can.
It makes a great introduction to the government’s most economically damaging institution for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, and independents alike.
It also helps me keep the lights on here so I can continue to bring you great content.