It is encouraging that at least some parents have finally become "woke" in the true sense of the word - woken up to the brainwashing their children are subjected to in school.
Conservatives and many libertarians seem to believe this is only a problem in government ("public") schools. It isn't. All of academia is hostile to liberty and seek to program the young into sharing their hostility. This has been true for thousands of years, going all the way back to the communist Plato, who wanted children taken from their parents and educated by the state.
The original "it takes a village" commie.
I provided an even more extensive Additional Reading section than usual on the show notes page to yesterday's episode with Kerry McDonald. As you can see, this is a subject close to my heart. I can't stress enough that it is useless to try to achieve political change with people programmed since childhood to oppose freedom.
I wrote my own book to educate people on how conservatives and liberals think to drive home that point.
Well, I have one more recommendation for those who want to see American history through an entirely different lens than the statist one they were forced to look through in school. It's Murray Rothbard's Conceived in Liberty. It is a colossal work in 4 volumes (there is a 4th no available on the Progressive Era, too) that sees not just American history but even the centuries leading up to it the way the Enlightenment really was - the gradual freeing of
mankind from government control.
It always gives me a chuckle to come across a passage in which Rothbard destroys orthodox interpretation of some event by presenting it in precisely the opposite way - how more regulation in one part of Europe was completely destructive and caused trade and prosperity to shift to another, for example.
Academia would say he's putting a spin on history and that's probably true. Everyone does. But Rothbard's spin fits the facts much better than anything you'll get out of academia's Marxist history professors.
If you can afford the hardcover, it helps the Mises Institute and will provide a text for doing your own homeschooling, for both your children and you (the way I use it!). However, the Kindle version is available at just $4.99.
I'm interviewing the great Eric Peters of EP Autos in just a few minutes for an episode next week. That will be an especially good one!
Please take a moment to review the podcast in general on your listening app of choice or on my website. The success of the show in part depends upon "social proof." Let's give them some!
Don't forget my new e-book, An
Anti-State Christmas, is also available in paperback here. It'll cost you less than a fiver and makes a great stocking stuffer!
Get a few copies for family or friends who need deprogramming - or even just a few laughs.