In today's episode I offer a way to think and talk about the freedom philosophy in a way I hope you will find helpful in both thinking through arguments you encounter and articulating your own arguments in a more "cut and dried" manner.
We all know the left is wrong when they say healthcare and education are rights and the right is wrong (wait, what?) when they say a high paying factory job supported by taxes (tariffs) is a right. But if it takes us too long to explain why, our opponents have a chance to muddy the
We also run up against statists attempting to use our principles against us. Not complying with lockdowns or mask mandates is harming others, they say, seemingly pitting the non-aggression against freedom.
This episode not only shows why those arguments are wrong, but also why our principles do not apply only in a theoretical Ancapistan but right here in the real world. Ours is the only philosophy that provides definitive answers to what the right and left want to portray as
Let me know what you think in the comments about not only this episode but episodes like this in general. Do you like occasional episodes getting into philosophy and history or do you prefer I stick to topical issues (I know, this one is both, but you know what I
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Don't forget my new e-book, An
Anti-State Christmas, is also available in paperback here. It'll cost you less than a fiver and makes a great stocking stuffer!
Get a few copies for family or friends who need deprogramming - or even just a few laughs.