Longtime libertarians are no doubt familiar with Austrian Business Cycle Theory and, if you're not, today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom will catch you up quickly. My guest, Murray Sabrin, retired Professor of Finance and author of Navigating the Boom/Bust Cycle: An Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide not only explains the boom-bust cycle in terms everyone can understand, but offers
practical advice on how business owners, large and small, can avoid getting chewed up and spit out by the Federal Reserve's confidence game.
We also discuss inflation, the reality of the Trump economy, and a second book Murray has out called, Universal Medical Care: From Conception to End-of-Life: The Case for a Single Payer System.
I know. "Single Payer???!!!" Not to worry. The single payer Murray is talking about isn't the same one Bernie Sanders is pitching.
Don't miss this information-packed episode. You can listen on Apple, Stitcher, Google Play, You Tube, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Or you can use the player on my website here: https://tommullentalksfreedom.com/podcast/7/.
On Wednesday, I'll have Jason Rink on to talk about his new documentary, Q Sent Me, about "Q Shaman" Jake Angeli. It's already been banned by our ruling elites, so you know it's something you should be interested in.
Don't forget: If you haven't already, you can download a free copy of my new e-book, An Anti-State Christmas, at antistatechristmas.com.
It's also available in paperback here. It'll cost you less than a fiver and makes a great stocking stuffer!
Thanks for all your support,
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