Since early in the pandemic, Americans have been led to believe that immunity to Covid-19 acquired from previous infection – to the extent natural immunity has been acknowledged at all – fades after three or four months. Why? Because after that
time period, antibodies to the virus are no longer detected in the blood.
That was an immediate red flag for me because that’s not how the immune system works. Antibodies don’t stay in the blood indefinitely after infection or vaccination for any virus. If they did, your blood "would be thick as molasses,” as Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease
specialist at University of California San Francisco, put it.
Rather, after natural infection or an effective vaccine, your body “remembers” the infection. B cells produce new antibodies upon encountering the same or a similar enough virus again and T cells kill virus-infected cells directly.
Having done my undergraduate and graduate work in English, I’m not sure where I acquired this knowledge. Perhaps it was a high school biology or health class, but the first time I heard Anthony Fauci or another “expert” imply immunity went away with antibodies I knew it was
I had the same experience when I went to my own physician after testing positive for SARS_COV-2 antibodies in January 2021, following an infection the previous December. The physician’s assistant made the casual statement that I should have antibodies for at least three months
and left it there. I had to challenge the statement with, “but that doesn’t mean I no longer have immunity to the disease, right?
How many Americans have simply accepted that immunity goes away with the antibodies produced from the infection?
But in an interview with Martha Raddatz of ABC on Sunday, Fauci acknowledged that immunity does not go away simply because antibodies are no longer detected in the
blood. He now says it is “quite natural” that antibodies go down after a few months (which it is) but that:
“There is an element of the immune response, B cell memory and T cell responses, where even though you see a diminution of antibody levels, it is quite conceivable, and I hope it’s true, that the third shot boost will give a much greater durability of protection. We’re
following that very closely.”
Read the rest...
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