You've no doubt heard the black robed high priests have issued their proclamation on President Biden's vaccine mandates. Technically, they were only ruling on whether to issue a stay on the mandates based upon their likely failure in separate
They stayed the general employer mandate but did not stay the health care worker mandate.
How can one be constitutional and the other unconstitutional? Well, if you remember way back to Episode 1 of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom with Kevin Gutzman, the practice of unelected executive branch bureaucrats writing regulations (i.e.,
"legislating") at all is unconstitutional, so that boat sailed almost 90 years ago.
But the great Kevin Gutzman will be back next week to try and make sense of the Court's latest word salad.
I'll also have Robby Dinero, Suzanne Sherman, Mike Maharrey, and James O'Keefe of Project Veritas on the show next week. It's going to be a big one!
I'm also working on some additional goodies for subscribers to the show. Stay tuned for that.
If you don't already know I have a new book out called, It’s the Fed, Stupid. You can download a free ebook copy here.
It’s also available in paperback here. It’s priced at a pre-hyperinflation level so grab a few copies for friends if you can.
It makes a great introduction to the government’s most economically damaging institution for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, and independents alike.
It also helps me keep the lights on here so I can continue to bring you great content.