On today's episode I talked about the prospects for getting back to normal - "normal" being the overtaxed, overregulated lives we had in 2019. Despite some "green shoots," I don't think the prospects are good without a drastic and concerted
effort on the part of all of us who oppose the Covid regime.
I used "muh roads" as an example of how people will unfortunately adapt to government-inflicted misery once it has been allowed to be normalized. Let me know if you thought it was too long a digression or if it was helpful information.
In fact, for next Wednesday's (December 23) episode, I'd like to answer some listener questions. If you have a question, please submit it here: https://tommullentalksfreedom.com/contact/
I'll get to as many as I can. And while you're on the podcast website, it's a great time to post some effusive praise for the podcast in general (hint, hint). "Social proof" helps the podcast advance in rankings, get heard by more people, generate a little revenue, blah, blah,
C'mon. It's Christmas!
Don't forget my new e-book, An
Anti-State Christmas, is also available in paperback here. It'll cost you less than a fiver and makes a great stocking stuffer!
Get a few copies for family or friends who need deprogramming - or even just a few laughs.