I had the supervisor of an Erie County, N.Y. town on Episode 10 of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom who said he wouldn't be enforcing the countywide mask mandate in effect at the time. The town supervisor of Marilla, N.Y. said the same thing in
much stronger terms.
Well, New York's crazed governor made the point moot by issuing a statewide mask mandate last week, which took effect on Monday.
Or did she? According to the reporting of a local rag, "Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, a Republican,
said a top Hochul official told him and other county executives on a phone call Friday that counties were not even expected to enforce the order during the first two weeks."
The article goes on to say, "Further, according to Molinaro, counties were told not to divert public local dollars to enforcement of the mandate – which the Hochul order also did not reveal. Her administration told Molinaro and others that the state would not get involved in enforcement,
and that localities could not use local police to ensure the orders are carried out."
It's not clear if that second part applies only to the two weeks between December 13 - 27 or indefinitely.
The article also notes, correctly (even a blind squirrel...), that Hochul's mandate is really a vaccine mandate as it does not apply to businesses that require proof of vaccination for entry.
On Monday, most of the counties of Western New York, with the exception of deep blue Erie County, issued statements saying they would not enforce the mask mandate. Was this just political posturing knowing the state had told them not to enforce it?
Or is Hochul's mandate itself just political posturing, intentionally issued without teeth?
It doesn't really matter. It's time to resist the Covid Cult. I have made the personal decision that I'm not wearing a mask anymore. Not from the table to the door at the restaurant. Not at the supermarket. I'm DONE.
If we don't mass resist this it will never go away, just as the deplorable government road system, the Department of Education, the War on Drugs and the TSA have never gone away despite obvious, catastrophic failure.
My personal request is that you join me in refusing to comply any further. If a business owner insists you put on a mask, peacefully take your money and leave and don't go back.
Our forefathers bled and died for freedom (not in our lifetimes, but at least once). We don't have to. But it may take a little inconvenience. And we have to inflict economic pain on those who comply. I realize they're in a tough spot, but who said life was fair? Sorry, the stakes are too high.
The Sons of Liberty said, "Join or Die." It's not quite so bad for us. But it is "Join or Live in New Normal Misery Forever."
Will you join me?
Don't forget my new e-book, An
Anti-State Christmas, is also available in paperback here. It'll cost you less than a fiver and makes a great stocking stuffer!
Get a few copies for family or friends who need deprogramming - or even just a few laughs.