As most of you know, I don't watch television. In June 2020 I canceled cable on principle, refusing to let another dime of my money flow to Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, George Stiffanopolous, et
If you haven't canceled cable yet, you're still paying all of the above whether you watch their shows or not. Strike a blow for liberty - cancel cable and cut off their income streams.
I do occasionally watch shows from television that look promising if they are available on Amazon Prime. Thus was the case with Yellowstone. I wasn't
In addition to being highly entertaining, as long as one kept one's willing suspension of disbelief on 11, the show raised some interesting questions about property rights.
Namely, who has the best claim to the land that comprises the Yellowstone Ranch? The Duttons? The investors trying to wrench it away from them? Or the Native Americans from whom the land
was supposedly "stolen?"
I do an analysis on today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom. The results may surprise you.
Listen to Episode 192 here...
Watch the video version on YouTube here...
Tom Mullen is the author of It’s the Fed, Stupid
and Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?