NBC News happily informs us that Joe Biden is celebrating Earth Day by "announcing $7 billion in federal
grants for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in low- and middle-income communities."
But every day is a good day to shower largesse on Democratic voters for ol' Joe.
Worse than the sheer waste of resources this vote purchase represents is the reinforcement of the most destructive myth of our lifetimes: that excess CO2 caused by human activity is warming the
planet and creating a catastrophic crisis.
What better day than 'Earth Day' to shatter that myth?
Fortunately, veteran "climate denier" (a appelation any sensible person should embrace) Tom Nelson has produced a new documentary that does just that.
Featuring several highly credentialed scientists, including one right out of the
Obama administration, this film doesn't present alternate data on the supposed crisis. It uses the environmentalists own data, the data used by the IPCC and other establishment groups, to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the whole climate hysteria is a hoax.
I'm not sure most people realize that over the entire industrial period (approximately the past 170 years), average global temperatures have only risen by about 1 degree
Celsius - one degree! Moreover, the beginning of that period of time is also the end of a cooling period known as "The Little Ice Age," a true climate catastrophe that ended whole civilizations, including killing about 1/4 of the population of Europe!
That one degree of warming has been a very GOOD thing that we could use more of, not less.
There is so much more in the film, including
compelling proof man has played little, if any, role in warming the planet the little it has warmed. I was very pleased to watch the film and then sit down with its producer, Tom Nelson, to talk about it.
He joined me today on today's episode of Tom Mullen Talks Freedom to talk about her fight. Check it out and Happy Earth Day!
Listen to today's podcast here or on your favorite podcast
Next week we'll hear from Alex Epstein on this same topic, discussing his excellent book, Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas--Not Less.
Lots more coming so stay tuned!
Tom Mullen is the author of It’s the Fed, Stupid and Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
As always, thank you to all of you supporting my efforts here at Tom Mullen Talks