There are two camps in the 9/11 war. Both are wrong. As a result, almost no one learns anything from the tragedy that occurred on and after September 11, 2001.
One camp is the “never forget” crowd. These are the proponents of Washington, D.C.s’ imperial, worldwide standing army. They insist people never forget the terrorist attacks because…well, it’s not entirely clear why we shouldn’t forget. Something about being vigilant,
because “freedom isn’t free.” Or something.
It’s just a lot of fuzzy baloney used to justify massive military spending, the empire’s war or intervention du jour, and convince the gullible who join the military they are defending freedom, as if Americans would be less free if the empire didn’t invade Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Syria, or…
The other camp is the “truther” camp, convinced that because the government lied about a lot of things regarding 9/11, that
those lies prove the attack was “an inside job,” perpetrated by the Bush administration and/or the Deep State to justify the decades of aggressive war abroad and totalitarianism at home that followed it.
Both camps conjure up villains people can blame for ills they ultimately brought upon themselves, at least in the aggregate.
First, the “never forgetters.” Are there any who aren’t somehow connected to the bloated, $800 billion/year and growing cancer called
the U.S. military? Or at least believe the myth perpetuated in this nauseating Lee Greenwood song:
“And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land! God bless the U.S.A.”
It’s hard to get more wrong about “America” than those lyrics. First, the American
principle is that freedom is a natural right, “endowed by our Creator.” It is not given by anyone, least of all soldiers consuming taxes in an unnecessary war. Not only was the freedom of Americans not in jeopardy during any war in my lifetime (born 1965), none were even “defensive” wars.
Goebbels couldn’t have penned better propaganda nor a bigger lie than this million-selling drivel.
Americans would have been far better off if the entire Cold War national
security state were dismantled in 1991, including the global standing army - as Americans were promised it would be - and no wars fought in the past thirty years.
They would have been better off still staying out of WWII and letting the Nazis and Soviets destroy each other, instead of handing one evil empire half of Europe in its zeal to destroy
the other.
Instead, the Cold War apparatus was redirected towards terrorism, its military and economic interventions in the Middle East provoking the 9/11 attack.
That brings us to camp #2, the “truthers.” A lot of these people are well-intentioned and have what the never forgetter crowd lacks: a healthy skepticism of their government and of government in general. But their zeal to prove government is evil (which it is) leads them to make improbable
conclusions and ignore other explanations that fit the available facts much better.
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