I have mentioned several times how bizarre I found the media March - May 2022. Day after day, with virtually no exceptions, I would survey the mainstream "news" sites (CNN, NBC News, ABC News, Fox, etc.) and there were literally no stories about anything going on in the United States "above the fold."
Dinosaurs like me remember paper newspapers for which that term had a literal meaning. Since the paper's were folded in half, everything "above the fold" was visible without turning the newspaper over.
Today, it means what you can see on the site without scrolling down. And for month after month, all you could
see was news about Ukraine. What made it worse was that no one I regularly come in contact with seem to think this was at all unusual.
Then, one day, it stopped. I can't say that I took note of the day when the usual array of propaganda returned to above the fold space. But I do know it was somewhere around the end of May. The January 6th fedsurrection hearings
may have supplanted it and the media's desire for its victims to concentrate on that instead may have taken priority.
But still, even as badly as the propagandists wanted people to pay attention to the literally Hollywood produced Jan. 6th hearings, it seemed awfully strange.
Then, I watched Daniel McAdams' speech at the Mises Institute called, "Foreign Policy Is Welfare for the Rich." Now, it wasn't big news to me that most "foreign aid" and "support for democracy" is just a handout to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and the rest of the merchants of death. But a light bulb went off on the timing.
I took a look back and, sure enough, $40 billion of the $60 billion weapons for Ukraine (paid for by you to Raytheon, etc.) was signed by President Biden on May 21. And soon after that, the media dropped Ukraine like a bad habit.
Coincidence? Or was that entire, bizarre abandonment of any other news simply
an ad campaign for the $60 billion? It's as good an explanation as any other.
Make no mistake, the Regime needs at least your tacit consent to get away with its crimes. Unfortunately, they get downright advocacy from a portion of the population. But as long as no more than a few malcontents (like yours truly) scream about what they're doing, they feel safe to
do it.
If only we could change that.
Anywho, I'm happy to say Daniel McAdams joined me for today's episode
to talk about his speech, which posits that all foreign policy should be abolished. If that sounds "extreme" to you, I encourage you to take a listen and hear his argument. He has me convinced.
I also have links to his speech and the Ron Paul Institute conference, Anatomy of a Police State on the show notes page. I've been to two of these conferences (usually on Labor Day Weekend) and recommend them highly. This one is Saturday, September 3. I'll be there Friday-Saturday, so if you're going, let me know.
Thanks as always for all your support.